7th January 1988 to 23rd April 2012
We begin by quoting two of many inspiring thoughts created and recorded by Harsh.
“No one has a monopoly on ideas!”
“You have to experience life before you can express it.”
Harsh, an alumnus of St.Vincent’s high School, Pune and College of Engineering Pune (COEP) was born at Military Hospital, Kirkee on 07/01/1988 with acute congenital physical complications which initiated him into a prolonged battle for survival and rehabilitation spread over two painful decades and spanned across fourteen major surgeries. Yet, throughout, he was a beaming personification of relentless courage, inspiration, wit, charm and was forever smiling.
Harsh was Blessed and despite his physical pain and handicap he generated immense positive energy all around with his omnipresent smile and his constant aide – his crutches, with an ensemble of which he cruised through life with various notable achievements in the professional field and extracurricular activities in his successful quest to become an outstanding computer engineer :-
- Oct 1998 – Distinction in Rashtrabhasha Exam
- Sep 2000 – First Prize in the Bournvita Quiz Contest at School, District and State Level
- Jun 2003 – State Topper in the SSC Examinations
- Jun 2003 – Recipient of Dhirubhai Ambani Foundation Merit Award
- Jun 2005 – State Topper in the HSC Examinations
- Jun 2005 – Recipient of Dhirubhai Ambani Foundation Merit Award
- Nov 2007 – Amateur HAM Radio – Grade 0 II License Operator (VU2KXX)
- Feb 2008 – First Prize at National Level Paper Presentation for paper on Swarm Intelligence held at PVG’s College of Engineering Pune
- Mar 2008 – First Prize at National Level Paper Presentation for paper on Swarm Intelligence held at MIT Pune
- Jan 2009 – Head of Annual College Magazine Committee for the English Section (COEP)
- Jan2009 – Developed an algorithm for Ant Systems Oriented Product Review Mechanism in his research on Swarm Intelligence.
- Jan 2009 – Second Prize at Amazon’s Texhibit All India Technical Paper Presentation Challenge
- Mar 2009 – Gold Medalist at Tata Research Development and Design Centre (TRDDC’s) Project Competition
- Jun 2009 – Scoring a perfect 10 (100%) in the last Semester for BTech at COEP Pune
- Mar 2011 – Accelerated promotion in his company at barely two years service
In his short but distinctive journey, he was constantly felicitated by various dignitaries and organizations, while he made a dedicated effort at motivation and encouragement by interacting with inmates at orphanages, SOS village etc.
Harsh used his time with meticulous planning and purpose. He researched on various subjects and prospects and created a massive memory-based data bank of knowledge which he loved to share with family and friends. He had recently completed a work of fiction, titled ‘HICCUPS’ containing approximately one lakh twenty thousand words. At the same time, this remarkable bundle of creative energy was drafting his next book and creating and recording his own thoughts for subsequent use in his next book.
To summarize this remarkable life, the family thanks the Almighty for this blessed gift and joy which He gave us the privilege to physically share for over twenty four years and whose happy and remarkable memories will stay with us to be cherished with love forever.
As blogged by Harsh’s friend and college mate, Gantavya Sharma, from COEP, Pune –
“Harsh Pande brings a smile to your face…. You would pour your heart out to him and look for advice and he always had the best to offer. Coming from an experience and learning that was so enriched that you looked up to him in admiration … His taste for music, love for Sachin Tendulkar, recommendations for sitcoms, reviews of movies , narrations of random incidents, critique on books, knowhow of technology, his work ethics, his love for his friends, every single memory makes you smile …
You will be dearly missed Harsh. You were an inspiration, a true friend, a charmer and a wonderful person like no other. Have learnt a lot from you and you have shaped many lives like mine. We all feel honored to have known you …”