Today on 7th Jan 2014, on the 26th birth anniversary of Harsh Pande, author of Best Selling novel Hiccups, and a proud alumni of College of Engineering Pune (COEP), we would like to present a video to all of Harsh’s friends, well wishers and their loved ones.
This video depicts an article printed in Abhyanta, COEP’s annual college magazine currently in its 98th year of publication and was published in the end of year 2013. The article has been put together by the current and former members of the COEP and its magazine committee,who had worked with Harsh. This was their initiative to let the current and future batches of COEPians to get to know Harsh’s incredibly positive and inspirational story. Also there is a rememberence added
We were pleasantly surprised to hear of this wonderful initiative by the students and would like to thank them and also Dr. Anil Sahasrabudhe, Director COEP, and the staff at COEP for taking this initiative forward.
For all those interested in reading the article in the printed form, please click on the link below
2 responses to “26th Birth Anniversary of Harsh Pande: Video In Memoriam, Abhyanta, COEP 2013”
A remembrance by Aakash Shah, a close friend and Vincentian
Every time one thinks about Harsh, the first thing that comes to mind is laughter. Mad maniacal laughter. He would laugh and make every single person around him laugh.
And the stories! How can one ever forget the most wonderfully told stories, and listening to them one would only think – this guy is freaking crazy, and awesome!
I shall describe below a couple of things that come to mind amongst the vast majority of experiences.
Harshi, as he was called fondly by a few of us, would mix with one and all. And what better example of that than the last time we met. This was when we were all almost completing two years at work. One Saturday morning I randomly get a call from Harsh. We are meeting for lunch is all I am told. Area 51, 1 PM.
And I reach, a bit late. There are two guys already there. Harsh and N. N was usually the shy types, and did not mix with too many. From what I remember there would be only a handful, 5 or 10 odd folks who would speak to him. And after Vincents we were hardly in touch. But not Harsh.
Harsh kept in touch with all. And to what an extent. During lunch all we spoke about was how a wonderful opportunity had come along N’s way and how he should grab it and not think about anything else. I had a new found respect for Harsh that day. Selfless and fierce friendship. That was Harsh.
The next thing that I’d like to bring up takes us back to the tenth grade. We would play thus game to create a cricketing team by choosing players from around the world turn wise and then there would be an impartial fair judge to tell us which team is better. No points for guessing who the judge was. Always. It had to be Harsh. Impartial, fair, balanced even at that age when we fools would fight over nonsense stuff. Mature way way beyond his age. But not something he would show you.
He would crack the silliest of jokes laugh the loudest and take everything life offered him with a pinch of salt, sugar and everything else. He made sure it always tasted perfect.
Harshi.. We miss you buddy. Wish you a very happy 26th
A remembrance by Rohit Pitale, a close friend, Vincentian and COEPian
Its been quite some time now since your last physical presence amongst us all, but i’m glad to say that we don’t really miss you and thats because we still feel your presence here every now and then.
When aunty so warmly always welcomes us to yr place, when we listen to col. Uncle ‘s stories and when we read hiccups or when we see old pics to reminisce our good old pal moogat. I must say you will be getting plenty of hiccups up there :)
Dear Harsh, thanks a lot for making it so easy for us to always look back at all the good times we spent at school ground, boat club and moogats dining table as great friends.