I am an Indian

I am not a Hindu, nor a Muslim, nor a Christian, nor a Sikh, nor a Parsi, nor a Jew, nor a Buddhist nor a Jain. I am not a Brahmin, nor a Kshatriya, nor a Vaishya, nor a Shudra, nor a Shia, nor a Sunni, nor a Protestant, nor a Catholic, nor a Hinayana, nor a Mahayana, nor a Digambara, nor a Svetambara. I am not an aam aadmi nor a VVIP. I am an Indian.

My history precedes that of every other civilization. I know more languages than a citizen of any other country. I count Shree Rama, Shree Krishna, Gautama Buddha, Mahavir and the Ten Gurus in my ancestry. I count Aryabhatta and Ramanujan as my compatriots. I have the valor of Prithviraj Chauhan, Shivaji and Manekshaw in my blood. I have the message of Gandhi in my heart. I am an Indian.

Valmiki and Vyasa wrote epics that inspired the world, but were composed in my homeland. Mirza Ghalib, Kabir and Tagore left their footprints on the soil of my country. Thoughts from my land, awakened the world’s soul. I am an Indian.

Thieves may try to steal my riches, foreigners may try to rule my land, tyrants may try to enslave my people. But in the end, they will fail and I will prevail. I am an Indian.

‘One has to experience life before one can express it’ – Harsh Pande

“Harsh Pande, author of our latest bestselling novel, Hiccups” – Jaico Publications

Harsh Pande was born and brought up in the amazing city of Pune. He completed his education at St. Vincent’s High School and College Pune, where he was a topper in both the SSC and HSC Examinations and also featured in the popular TV Show Bournvita Quiz Contest representing the West Zone. After that he aced his Computer Science B Tech Degree at the prestigious College of Engineering Pune (COEP). He was then campus-selected by a leading consulting firm.

Harsh displayed exceptionally admirable spirit and intelligence which helped him achieve excellent results in academics and other endeavors, despite suffering from complicated orthopedic disorder by birth which entailed a separate battle for rehabilitation through several surgeries. However, his resilient spirit and lust for life were indefatigable.
Those who came in contact with him were fascinated by his wit and indomitable cheerful attitude towards life.

Through all his years from St. Vincent’s to COEP and then the crazy world of Consulting, writing had remained a consistent passion : from writing actively for the school and college magazines to publishing a post on his blog to launching Project Breakup on Facebook. After completing HICCUPS, he was simultaneously working on a book of quotes penned by him and outlining the theme of his next novel.

His entrepreneurship and sagacity is evident from his literary effort so vividly put forth in his first novel HICCUPS inspired after experiencing an “epiphany” while holidaying in Goa.

Harsh Pande passed away after a cardiac arrest on 23rd April 2012.
He was 24 years, 3 months and 16 days old.
Hiccups is his first novel with approximately 1,20,000 words